We're Growing A Forest
We are so excited to announce our partnership with Tree Sisters! Our business is based on mindfulness and creation, we appreciate the interconnectedness of all living things and we want to actively honor this concept in our work. We are a mindful, purpose driven business with a give-back approach. We use wood to create Centering Boards and we are committed to actively restoring our planet with Tree Sisters. For every Centering Board purchased, we will donate 1 tree via Tree Sisters! We will be donating quarterly and we just did our first donation. You can view our donations via the donation link on our website, https://www.centeringboards.com/aboutus.
TreeSisters challenges everyone to do as much radical good as they can for the planet. The generous global network of TreeSisters are transforming both lives and landscapes in extraordinary ways. TreeSisters offers unique global programs that focus on encouraging women's leadership, Nature-connection, and significant behavior change.
Trees offer humanity one of the most crucial ecosystem services available to us at this phase of our evolution. Currently global warming is threatening all life on Earth. While we figure out how to reduce carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the forests of our world are drawing it down into their roots, branches, boughs and leaves. They are invaluable in helping to cool us down. To provide any viable hope for future generations, we need to replace deforestation with a reforestation revolution. We can't wait for governments to lead the way. Tree Sisters is working to restore forests in eight major ecosystems including those in Madagascar, India, Brazil, Kenya, and Nepal.
Tree Sisters plants trees to restore ecosystems and livelihoods whilst increasing protection against the extremes of climate change in multiple regions of the tropical forest belt. This is done in ways that recreate and restore natural forest ecosystems using indigenous species, fostering local knowledge and skills, and promoting women's participation. Tree Sisters strives to do it intelligently, appropriately, respectfully and successfully. Forests play a vital role in the hydrological cycles of our world, sequester the atmospheric carbon dioxide that is driving climate change and provide the most biodiverse regions on earth. When trees are removed, vibrant ecosystems are often overfarmed, eroded and rendered infertile in a cascade effect that is mirrored with social decline, grinding poverty and climate extremes. Reforestation can rapidly reverse these trends, stabilizing and nourishing the soils, restoring watersheds, revitalizing dry springs and providing good quality water to large populations living downstream.
TreeSisters is empowering a network of women around the world to change the world through tree planting. TreeSisters represents a solution for a future of hope and restoration. Learn more about making ecological restoration the new norm at, www.treesisters.org
Thank you for being a part of our community!
Well wishes,