Homework On My Birthday? Yes, please!
My birthday used to be a source of irritation. I never allowed myself the time to think about and decide what I wanted to do to celebrate. I felt a pressure to have an awesome day, but I just wanted someone else to figure that out and package it up and deliver it to me. I didn’t even know what I wanted so it wasn’t possible for others to fix that for me.
It wasn’t until I started giving myself the space to get clear on what I wanted and owned my desires that my birthdays became a source of joy and excitement. I started being honest with myself about what I wanted and being intentional and creative to make it happen.
This year I’ve decided to celebrate by gifting myself dedicated reflection time alone. I need rest and some gentle quiet time to read, take a bath, and reflect. I love using my birthday as a time of annual reflection to celebrate, release, and envision my next year. Here’s a list of the reflection questions that I am working through.
What word would you use to describe the last year?
What are you most proud of yourself for in the last year?
What are 5 other things you’d like to celebrate yourself for in this last year?
What are 5 things you’re grateful for in this past year?
What was your biggest challenge and how did you overcome it?
What would you like to let go of?
How would you like to feel this next year?
What intention would you like to set for this next year? (Set one overall intention for the year or create separate intentions for different life areas (livelihood & lifestyle, body & wellness, creativity & learning, relationships & society, essence & spirituality))
Please email me if you’d like a pdf worksheet of these birthday reflection questions. Birthdays are a wonderful opportunity for celebration via self reflection. Celebrate, release, envision anew.
Well wishes,