Do You Set Intentions?
Intention setting is a powerful way to take responsibility for our desires. When we set intentions, we’re consciously planning our lives and directing our focus. So many of us wake up and let life take us along for the ride without realizing that the simple act of intention setting can give us a greater sense of fulfillment.
I used to scoff at the idea of intention setting…. I truly didn’t understand the significance. It seemed to me that most of the time, intentions were self explanatory and unnecessary, e.g. of course my intention is to have a nice day. I didn’t realize that assuming that I wanted general positivity and good intention was very different from actually taking responsibility and being specific and mindful about my intentions. It seemed minor and the nuance didn’t seem important.
My mindset was so entrenched in the “shit happens” zone that I was under the impression that my personal intentions wouldn’t make a difference. What I didn’t realize at the time, was that this mindset left me feeling frustrated, disappointed, and a bit hopeless as well. It wasn’t until I started setting intentions that I realized the giant hole in my approach. If I wasn’t setting intentions, how was I ever going to feel fulfilled? If I wasn’t consciously taking action to feel the way I wanted to feel how was I ever going to feel that way?
When I started setting daily intentions I noticed right away that I felt more engaged in my life. I also discovered that when I took intentional action, I felt more in alignment with myself and more satisfied with my day. Life does happen and intentions will evolve and change, but the process of setting intentions provides both direction and the opportunity for reflection.
Daily intentions can start with choosing a feeling you’d like to experience and picking a specific action that will help you to feel that way, e.g. “My intention is to feel invigorated today. I will go for a walk at lunch in order to feel the way I want to feel.” Daily intentions will change with the ebb and flow of life, the key is to check in with yourself everyday to see what you need in that moment. Days filled with intention create a life full of intention.
Well wishes,