Do You Prioritize Yourself?

When was the last time you spontaneously took the day off to play or rest? What would happen if you cleared your schedule for the day and did whatever you wanted or simply rested? We tend to get so tied to our schedules that it feels like a really big deal if we don’t show up or if we have to reschedule something. However, it's usually not. It’s important to remove some pressure and take opportunities to remind ourselves that life will go on and things will naturally shift and accommodate change.

The past few weeks I’ve been holding onto things very tightly and trying to apply pressure to myself to get more done. Whenever I start to push myself too hard my body responds… this time I tweaked my back… bending over to get banana bread out of the oven. It’s usually these minor everyday actions that manifest injuries for me… perhaps it would make much more sense if I fell while running or riding my bike, but instead it’s the simple act of bending over that creates significant pain to remind me that it all matters. All these little things, daily actions and stresses, add up to create a bigger shift (positive or negative).

I had to cancel plans and obligations in order to take care of myself and it all worked out just fine. Initially I had feelings of guilt and self criticism, but I caught myself and I chose to release the guilt and self criticism that came up. I nurtured myself with compassion, understanding, and care instead. In return, I received a healthy dose of validation that it’s okay to cancel, it’s okay to change the plan, it’s okay and absolutely essential to take care of myself.

Ideally, this validation/reminder can happen in an intentional way. Choosing to give ourselves a break and stopping the negative self-talk can be done before we reach the breaking point. But, if we reach a breaking point that's okay too. Sometimes we learn (or re-learn) a lesson the harder way, which is another opportunity for exercising even more self-compassion.

We can get so focused on serving others and prioritizing obligations to others over prioritizing ourselves. We lose perspective on the fact that we are actually in charge of our own lives and we have choices. Will you choose to believe that negative thought about yourself? Will you choose to please others over pleasing yourself?

What’s one thing you can do to remind yourself that you’re the most important person in your life today? Take the day off? Sleep-in? Ignore a phone call? Skip the gym? Go to the gym?

Well wishes,



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