Using Art to Express Your Feelings

It’s First Friday and although all the public art events are postponed, I think art is especially important right now.  Creating art is a fun, calming, and freeing experience.  It’s liberating to be able to express what you’re feeling in artistic form, it’s both a universal and a secret language.  Art can carry the complexities of human beings so well.  It can also help us create awareness of ourselves and our feelings.  This has been Trevor’s experience.  It can be difficult to pinpoint and describe what he's feeling and the best medium that he has found to describe his feelings is art.  When he paints, he is able to see what he is feeling.  Art has a gentle way of coaxing meaning and understanding out of people.  It's comfortable for me to talk or write about how I’m feeling, but sometimes I get stuck and need to use a different form of expression (like art or movement) to get to the all the facets of my emotions.  Everyone has a method of expression that is most comfortable and accessible.  However, trying other outlets can help add perspective and depth, especially when overwhelmed or stuck.  Trevor wanted to create a process to help people express their most desired feelings in artistic form and I wanted to help people focus on these feelings to live their lives true to their desires so the Centering Board process was created.  During this time of increased stress and social distancing I encourage you to try exercising your creativity to help identify and express your feelings and desires.  Thank you for being a part of our community.  

Well wishes,



Choosing Self Compassion and Self Trust