What is Heart Centered Living?
When I read “The Desire Map” by Danielle LaPorte I felt a strong connection to her words and her approach to living my life based on how I wanted to feel. It was as if I’d finally been given permission and support to live my life in a way that actually felt authentic to me. Living my life and making decisions based on how I wanted to feel was natural and empowering as opposed to the obligation and force I thought was necessary. “The Desire Map” freed me from the way I thought life was supposed to be and I became a Desire Map Facilitator to help others do the same.
The next evolution of the Desire Map Facilitator is the Heart Centered Facilitator. Danielle LaPorte has created a new Heart Centered Facilitator Program to deepened the practice of living a life of inner reflection. She worked with existing Desire Map Facilitators to create a Bridge Team to help provide insight and experience to create a collaborative and collective vibe to the whole program. I participated on the Bridge Team and I’m so grateful to have been a part of the magic that is the Heart Centered Curriculum. The Heart Centered Values, exercises, meditations, and blessings are so beautiful and healing.
We take the benefits of the Heart Centered practices into our friendships, and romantic relationships, and our intentions. The small shifts can influence big changes—when we remember to breathe the anxiety into our heart space, or to offer compassion to someone instead of reaction. We sleep better. We engage with more grace. We become less worried about possible doom, and more engaged in healing the world from our healed sense of self.
Heart Centered Values
Divine Love is the ultimate in Inclusiveness. Shadow + light and all of our fragments and glory are welcomed into the Heart. This can be the whole purpose of your life. This Virtue is the deeply practical approach to what mystics have been teaching for centuries.
Compassion creates the cohesion that our psyches and societies are crying for. Compassion = mercy + courage + oneness awareness. Compassion is a skill of the heart-mind. And we’re here to cultivate it.
Wisdom is not to be mistaken with knowledge (an exercise of the ego mind), Wisdom is a quality of the heart. It’s beyond intellect. You can’t hear your (Higher) self unless you get still and listen. School and business teach us to mine the “facts.” Now we’ll learn to tap WISDOM.
Loving Kindness is one of the four cardinal virtues in Buddhism. It is a “deep friendliness” with ourselves and all beings. We can transform our default thinking of doubt and hostility to a steady stream of kindness—which is the ultimate freedom from suffering.
For Giving is the heart’s natural impulse. It’s the deep call of these times to heal grievances and return to our innate state of being.
Resilience is adaptability + inclusiveness + the fortitude of the heart. It’s not about toughening up, it’s about finding steadiness in the inclusive heart. We bend so we don’t break.
Radiance is on the other side of your trial by fire. “Fixing” ourselves is a distraction. When we step out of that small self drama, we do life very differently. We can take even greater ownership of our healing process.
How do these Heart Centered Values feel to you? Do you want to go deeper? Are you longing to live a Heart Centered life?
I am so honored and excited to be able to offer Heart Centered Workshops very soon! I will send out more information regarding workshop dates and offerings next month.
Well wishes,