Who is the Most Important Person in Your Life?
As I’m typing this, there’s a dull ache in my lower back reminding me that I’ve once again managed to push stretching and exercising my back to the bottom of my to-do list. Everyday, I include stretching/back exercises as a priority and on so many of those days I don’t successfully prioritize this task that is so supportive to my own care.
I am a very reliable person; I don’t let other people down, but I regularly let myself down. Can you relate?
Why do so many of us let down the most important person in our lives?
Demanding schedules and obligations outside of ourselves dominate our lives. Prioritizing our own care can feel selfish when there are so many other demands, but it’s essential. When we ignore our own needs it actually affects everyone around us and it certainly exacerbates our own stress and pain points.
If I skip my back exercises then my back will hurt more the next day… by sacrificing my self-care I’m creating more pain and work for myself. It will take more effort and time to return to a place of feeling ease in my body. My suffering will also affect those around me, e.g. when I snap at my children or my partner.
It’s an absolute truth, you are the most important person in your life! Taking care of yourself first is a must. If we don’t prioritize and take care of ourselves, we’re unable to provide the best care for our children, partners, communities, etc. Taking care of ourselves is really taking care of everyone.
January has started with a burst of action energy, but many of us are also experiencing a spike of stress and fear with the state of world right now. It’s especially important to listen to your own needs and trust yourself. The obligations can wait, your own care cannot.
Everyday we have the opportunity to prioritize the care that we need. Stretch that back, go for a walk, schedule that alone time, do whatever you need to do to care for yourself as you would care for one who is deeply loved and cherished.
I’m going to stretch my back as soon as I get up from this chair. What care do you need right now? What acts of self-care regularly get dropped from you to-do list?
Well wishes,